🐝 Stings & Honey
B got stung today. It was a beautiful day and the bees were busy, as busy as a well... Bee. She was outback checking their comings and goings when one flew into her hair. Once entangled in that mop the sting was inevitable. It was on top of her head, but the swelling moved down her face, so by the evening she looked like she had gone a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson. We were able to get the rest of the honey bottled up. The last bucket that we are going to sell at least. We still have a bucket of later Summer honey that we are going to keep for recipes and mead making. This is darker, heavier honey with a bit of an aftertaste, so we decided not to sell it. The girls also got another round of 1:1 syrup. No spirulina this time. They should be bringing in plenty of pollen from the blooming Maples. https://photos.app.goo.gl/tbdyDgVHL2sVXhw8A